Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kindred in Death: a summer reading club review

Kindred in Death: J. D. Robb's futuristic Lieutenant Eve Dallas continues her battle against killers. This time it is the daughter of one of the high rank officers in the New York PSD who is found murdered. A series of grizzly murders having the same MO lead Lt. Dallas and her sidekick Detective Peabody down a nightmarish path that mirrors some of her own past. With the aid of her charismatic husband and unusual group of friends, the team unravels the master plan to take out beloved family members of the persons responsible for the perceived death of the killer's mother.

Once more, Robb makes the the year 2060 come to life. This book is a must for Robb fans.

Written by Sherry Woods, Southwest Page turners member

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