Passing into Light by Sharon Ewell Foster
Passing into Light, a genre of Christian Fiction, is a sequel to
Riding Through Shadows. This book is about having a past that needs to be revisited in order to be able to go forward in life. It explores the struggles of denial, thinking that everything is fine; and the difficult journey of facing the old demons, tying up loose ends of the past, and letting go of the extra baggage we tend to carry with us. The book then captures the bliss of being able to ‘pass into light’ and begin living the life God planned for us.
This is a very good read. I recommend starting with the first novel,
Riding Through Shadows to understand some of the characters and their pasts. Ms. Foster is an excellent Christian fiction writer, who uses her characters to tell the stories of the Bible. For those beginning their walk in Christianity, it is an enjoyable way to learn different parts of the Bible. At the same time, those of us who already know these stories are reminded of the lessons that are to be learned from them.
Review written by Pam W., patron