A friend recently introduced me to Jinni.com (pronounced like "genie"), which does for movies what Pandora.com and Last.FM do for music. Simply create a free account, search for movies you've watched and rate them on a scale from Awful to Must See, then click a link called Recommendations for suggestions on movies to watch. This is all based on how you rate each movie and all the tags associated with the movie.
So far, the suggestions I have received either look like movies I will enjoy or have actually been recommended to me by friends and family members. It's not only a lot of fun to find recommendations, it's also really fun to look up a movie to rate, only to come across another movie you had forgotten about and have really fond memories of.
If you are an avid movie-watcher or just want to learn about movies you've hadn't heard of before that you've been missing, I highly recommend using Jinni. Afterward, it wouldn't hurt to check our online catalog to see if some of the movie recommendations are available for checkout.
This entry is cross-posted at Library Ninja.
If you like what Jinni does, then check out bee.tv' service, http://concierge.bee.tv.
it's a great service, and their recommendations really work! they also have a super cool UI.
Whoa. I love it. As if I don't have enough tv shows to watch as it is!! But this is great. Thanks for sharing. =)
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