Well, this one focuses on science fiction and fantasy. Yes, other groups read these genres. However, this group is willing to take on the challenge of lengthy series and titles. The book's a thousand pages, you say? No problem.
The group will decide which books and/or series it wants to tackle next. So, if you've ever read a book you were just dying to discuss with someone, come to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Group at the Northeast Branch Library the third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. Books available at the Northeast Circulation Desk. All adults welcome!
Can't make the meetings? Don't worry. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Group is also online at: http://aplbookclubs.ning.com/

Upcoming Selections:
January 20th: Green Rider by Kristen Britain
February 17th: Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear
March 17th: The Nameless Day by Sara Douglass
April 21st: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
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